If you are new to Cary First Baptist Church, interested in finding out more about us, or wanting to explore membership then this is the place for you!
Membership at Cary First is more than joining a country club and paying your dues. It’s a partnership between us and you. By becoming a member at Cary First, we promise to provide you with the guidance needed to understand and follow Christ.
Sign-Up for our Discover Class to learn more about us!
3 Ways to Become a Candidate for
1. By Baptism (Immersion)
Baptism is a symbol of the fact that a person is a Christian. A person becomes a Christian by admitting that they are a sinner, repenting of sin and asking God for forgiveness of that sin, and inviting Jesus to come into their life and to become the Lord of their life.
2. By Transfer of Church Letter
A person is a member in good standing of another Baptist Church.
3. By Statement of Faith
A person is already a Christian and has been baptized by immersion, but is not yet a member of a Baptist Church.
At Cary First, we offer a Discover class for those considering membership with the Cary First family. Candidates that complete the Discover Cary First class are accepted into the membership of the church. Age-appropriate classes are provided for children and youth.
If you have any questions about church membership or if you would like to talk to a pastor, please feel free to contact us.
Discover Class
In this class, we discuss all things Cary First. We talk about who we are as individuals, who we are as the local body of Christ, and who we are as citizens of the Kingdom of God.