At Cary First Baptist Church our focus studies offer a chance to grow deeper in your knowledge of the Bible and learn how to apply it to your life. Our focus studies are a primary ministry of Cary First in maturing disciples to grow in their relationship with God and their understanding of the Bible.
In person study - taught by Janice Buckner
A Study of Amos - Prepared to Meet Your God
Thursdays; 9:15am
January 9 - 23
As the Lord prophesied warnings about coming judgment through a shepherd named Amos, He can also send forth His Word through you to save others from coming judgment. Study how people can be prepared to meet their God, and your heart can be stirred to proclaim the warning with hope for those who heed it.
In person study - taught by Janice Buckner
Kings & Prophets
Thursdays; 9:15am
January 30 - February 20
This dynamic four-week course from our Kings and Prophets Series will have a major impact on your walk with the Lord. We'll watch God raise up a Gentile threat (Assyria) to Israel as its kings continue the spiritual descent begun by Jeroboam—compromising with idols and refusing to repent at the warnings of prophets Elijah and Elisha.
In person study - taught by Janice Buckner
A Study of Hosea - A Love That Will Not Let Me Go
Thursdays; 9:15am
February 27 - March 20
Hosea was the last prophet to the Northern Kingdom of Israel before they were taken captive to Assyria. He cried out to a nation caught up in harlotry, a nation which chose to abandon God and go after pagan idols. In Hosea you can learn how God deals with those who turn away from Him and about a love that will not let you go.​
Zoom online study - taught by Sheri Ellington
Revelation Part 3
Mondays; 7:00-8:30pm
September 23 - January 27
Join us for this 11-Lesson study as we revisit Revelation 4-22, looking closely at connections to the Gospels and what Jesus Himself said about the signs of the end and His coming kingdom. We will take a short break for the holidays between lessons 8-9, and when we resume in January, we will begin with an optional review session.
Workbooks provided at no cost to participants.
Zoom online study - taught by Sheri Ellington
Building a Marriage that Really Works
Thursdays; 7:00-8:30pm
January 9 - February 13
For Women only! Marriage can be fun, romantic, and exciting. It can also be challenging to blend two lives into one. Marriage requires "give and take," but can be painful when we are in a constant battle of "tug of war." No one is perfect, so no marriage is perfect. Our aim is not perfection, but rather to work together to demonstrate to the world the love and grace God offers His people. Since marriage depicts God's covenant love for us, let's hear what He has to say about the topic, let's bask in His love for us, and let's come with a willingness to see our relationships transformed. This course is open to all women, regardless of marital status.
Workbooks provided at no cost to participants.
Zoom online study - taught by Sheri Ellington
Revelation Part 4
Mondays; 7:00-8:30pm
February 3 - May 19 (no meeting April 14)
Join us for this 14-Lesson study of Revelation 4-20, looking through the lenses of the Old Testament prophets. Indeed, both the Old and New Testaments have much to say about the Messiah and His kingdom and the events preceding His earthly coronation! It will be such a blessing to complete the study of Revelation together!
Workbooks provided at no cost to participants.
Zoom online study - taught by Sheri Ellington
Turning Your Heart Toward God
Thursdays; 7:00-8:30pm
April 3 - May 15 (no meeting April 17)
The Beatitudes are found in the Sermon on the Mount, and they describe the manifold blessings given to those who love Jesus and devote their lives to Him in faith. Do you need to know what blessings He offers? Do you need to be reminded of the blessings that belong to you? Come and join us for this 6-week study as we seek to experience the depths of blessing God has for us in Christ!
Workbooks provided at no cost to participants.